We have already introduced readers to the bestseller of the American psychotherapist Allen Carra “Easy to quit smoking”. Carr developed a unique technique, thanks to which thousands of people parted with this bad habit.

We have already introduced readers to the bestseller of the American psychotherapist Allen Carra “Easy to quit smoking”. Carr developed a unique technique, thanks to which thousands of people parted with this bad habit. What could be in common between smoking and fear of flights? Aviafobia (as well as dependence on smoking) is a purely psychological problem that combines fear of the engine failure, lack of fuel, crash, turbulence, lack of control over a situation closed space. According to the author, any of these fears is based on false ideas about the degree of danger. Carr sequentially destroys these ideas, claiming that this will help us begin to think rationally and not only stop being afraid, but even enjoy the flights.

Good book, 160 s.

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